Gillian Findlay joins Culture Perth and Kinross to head up museums and galleries

  • Published: June 26th 2018
Culture Perth & Kinross -

Gillian Findlay has been announced as the new Head of Museums and Collections for Culture Perth and Kinross, which runs the region’s museums and galleries.

Gillian, who will head up three four-star venues – Perth Museum and Art Gallery, Fergusson Gallery and Alyth Museum –  comes to the role with a strong pedigree in museum and gallery work. Most recently she was Curatorial and Engagement Manager with Museums and Galleries Edinburgh, responsible for staff and collections across the Royal Mile Museums, at Lauriston Castle, and at Queensferry Museum.

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She began her career as a volunteer at Edinburgh’s Museum of Childhood. Her first museum role was as Project Officer for the HLF Millennium Funded ‘Making History’ community collecting project at Tyne and Wear Museums, where she realised her passion for ‘intangible heritage’ – oral traditions, performing arts and rituals which go beyond museum collections and monuments.

A member of the HLF Committee for Scotland and the board of the Museums Association, Gillian will continue to serve on the MA board while she is in post at Culture Perth and Kinross. Her role is initially for a two-year period.

The former Head of Museums and Collections at Culture Perth and Kinross, Jenny Kinnear, has taken a new role as School Support Lead at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design.

Helen Smout, Chief Executive of Culture Perth and Kinross, said:

“Gillian brings with her a wealth of experience, from curatorial to community work, and we’re delighted to have her on board at Culture Perth and Kinross at what is such an exciting time with major developments planned for our Museum and Gallery venues.”

Gillian Findlay said:

As a long-standing supporter and enthusiast for Perth’s museums, galleries and nationally significant collections, I am absolutely thrilled to be joining the team here this summer.  The Trust has already achieved so much in opening up these incredible cultural resources to more people and in new and exciting ways, and I feel privileged to be able to play my part in the next stages of development.’

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