Culture Perth and Kinross looks to create four new Digital Maker_Spaces

  • Published: May 30th 2019
Culture Perth & Kinross -

Culture Perth and Kinross want to create four new Digital Maker_Space facilities in the heart of communities across Perth and Kinross where people can explore new technologies, share tools, equipment and other devices to invent and create. The cultural charity is looking to provide these opportunities but in order to make it a reality, has appealed to the public for help.

Culture Perth and Kinross has secured grants from the Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER Programme, Perth and Kinross Council and are contributing funds from their own budget, but are now looking for help with the shortfall.

Explaining the importance of the Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER support, Jackie Brierton the LAG chair said: “The award of £54,000 towards Digital Maker_Space is one of a number of projects benefitting from the £3.8 million shares of LEADER and Scottish Government funds available for the development of rural communities and enterprise in Perthshire until 2020. This is an innovative project which will contribute to the rural infrastructure through the provision of a network of high quality creative digital technology workspaces. The spaces will be open to all wishing to develop their digital skills and will support knowledge transfer, collaborative working and innovation; we are thrilled to have been able to support it.”

Support from individuals and businesses through Crowdfunder will help the charity buy cutting edge equipment and host workshops for anyone who wants to be playful, learn something new and explore the technology creatively in four new locations across Perth and Kinross.

Helen Smout, Chief Executive at Culture Perth and Kinross said “We are excited to bring new digital opportunities to locations across the Perth and Kinross region. Digital Maker_Spaces create important opportunities for young people to learn the digital skills they need for the workplace and also provide opportunities for older people to engage with new and emerging technology that is rapidly becoming a part of our daily lives. By supporting our Crowdfunder campaign you will be helping to provide free access to a digital world full of exciting possibilities which may otherwise be beyond reach.”

The new Digital Maker_Space facilities will be located in Strathearn Community Library in Crieff, Breadalbane Community Library in Aberfeldy, Loch Leven Community Library in Kinross and a venue in East Perthshire, with the final location for that to be decided in the near future.
The current Digital Maker_Space at the AK Bell Library in Perth has proven to be extremely popular, with visitors, artists, makers and local entrepreneurs taking advantage of the digital resources, but Culture Perth and Kinross is keen to extend that access to more rural communities across the region.

For those making a contribution to the Crowdfunding campaign, Culture Perth and Kinross is offering some exclusive rewards that money can’t buy. These include out of hours VIP tours of new and upcoming exhibitions, as well as 3D printing and expert time spent on family history research. You can donate to their Crowdfunder at

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